Tuesday, 17 August 2021


 Hello everyone I hope you are having a good day Today my classroom had a new classroom. The reason why we have a new classroom because my classroom will get busted down. The one that I am in. The new classroom looks wonderful. The reason why it looks so wonderful because it black and white on the outside. I could see the inside a bit. Inside the walls was green the in room 5,room 4, room 2 and room 1 there classroom's wall is green. How I felt doing this work was confused and stress because my friend Seralia told me that I have to write about how I feel moving in and then my student teacher said that we can write more about the new classroom.

I hope you enjoyed my work have a good day and enjoy your three days of lockdown. Stay safe,wash your hand, stay with your bubble,keep two metres or one and BE KIND.


Monday, 16 August 2021

Wet Day

 Hello EVERYONE I HOPE YOU HAVE YOU ARE HAVING A REALLY GOOD DAY! I am so sorry I was way to excited to show you what my class has been learning about. So my school which is May road school one of the BEST school ever. PB4L was wet day so My class room 15 went on to google draw and write what we should do when it a wet day. It took me long because I had no ideas so I finished it of at home. When I was done I was so happy but the thing that I loved about doing the wet day it was so fun because you get to show the little kids that become seniors get to learn what to do when it raining. So I will show you my work and what my wrote down.


Thank you for reading this I hope you have a good day. Bye